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Course Settings

How to access and edit course settings information, and an overview of the different settings options.

Eric Björn avatar
Written by Eric Björn
Updated over 3 months ago

About course settings

Course settings are used to manage all options of a course. The course settings have several options and the course can be customized depending on its purpose.



  • Categories: Add categories to classify courses into different categories.

  • Tags: Tag the course with one or multiple tags.

  • Enable course level discussion: Course level discussion is a discussion thread on the course information page in Learnster U. It can be used to discuss general topics surrounding the course.
    - Yes: discussion board available to the learners in the specific course.
    - No: discussion board not visible to the learners in the specific course.

  • Enable page level discussion: Page level discussions are a discussion thread at the bottom of each course page in Learnster U. It can be used to discuss topics specific to that section of the course.
    - Yes: discussion boards activated on each individual activity page.
    - No: activity discussion boards are not activated.

  • Personalized page feedback: With personalized page feedback, names of the Content designers will be shown in the text shown to learners asking them to leave reaction feedback. When turned OFF, a neutral encouragement will be shown

  • Navigation: Restricted or free course navigation.
    - Free: learners are free to access and complete course activities in any order.
    - Restricted: learners have to open and complete course activities in the order of appearance, top to down. Learners are prohibited from accessing activities unless previous activities are completed.

  • Course deadline: Last registration date as “Dates” or “Days”.
    - If a deadline is activated and has passed, the course will show up as overdue for the Learner, but it can still be accessed.

  • Attendance: Activate tracking of course attendance. Requires that a course instructor or administrator reports the learner attendance in the Nelson app.

  • Course completion image: Choose what image to show when a learner has finished the course.

  • Show course reset: When Show Course Reset is enabled, the Learners can go to their Course History, hover over the course, and click Redo. The course will then show up under My Courses as a brand new course!

  • Course contact email: The email entered here will be added as a link to email in the course information-tab. This can be used for questions regarding this specific course!

  • Course notes: Add notes relevant to this course. They're for your eyes only and will not be shown to your learners.


  • Preview the certificate:

  • Certificate of Completion: Choose if the certificate should be enabled for this course.
    - On (green): a certificate will be available for this course.
    - Off (red): the certificate will not be available for this course.

  • Certificate logo: You can use a custom certificate logotype per course. If a course-specific logotype is not used, the default logotype from Settings > Customize > Certificate > Logotype will be used.

  • Certificate description: Add a course description that will be displayed on the certificate.

  • Course instructor: Add the name of the course instructor. Click on the empty text field and start typing to select the course instructor. Course instructor name will be displayed on the certificate. Make sure that the instructors has been assigned the role Instructor and has uploaded a signature in Users > Instructors. Click Use a custom name use if you wish to use a course-specific custom name for the course instructor.

  • Issuer name: Add the name of your organization or the organization you want to use as the issuer for the certificate.

  • Issued date: Choose if the course completion date or the date of the user's last finished activity should be used as Issued date.

  • Show course length: Choose if you want to include course length in the certificate.

ℹ️ Learn more about Certificates here.


"Compliance courses" is a new feature for recurring courses that users need to retake periodically. Typically, these are courses needed for certain certifications for food and health, financial, insurance, and other types of compliance, but can be any course that you want your users to retake periodically.

When enabling a Compliance Course, the first thing you need to decide and configure is the Compliance and Retake periods.

The Compliance Period is the number of days the user is compliant for once finishing the course. For instance, if you set the Compliance Period to 365 days and a user finishes the course on May 6th 2022, the user will be compliant until May 6th 2023.

The Retake Period is the period during which the system should notify the user that the compliance period for the course is starting to run out and it's time to retake the course. If you, for instance, set the period to 90 days, Learnster will move the course to the user's Ongoing Courses and start prompting the user that it's time to retake the course 90 days before the course compliance runs out. Per the example above, if the course compliance period runs our May 6th 2023, Learnster will move the course to the user's ongoing courses on February 5th 2023.

Recertification Notifications

There are three notifications connected to recertifications.

  • Recertification Notification – notification sent when the retake period starts notifying the user that it's time to retake the course. By default, a standard notification is sent (Settings > Notifications > Recertification period has been started). You can also choose to send a custom message.

  • Nag Reminders – notification sent to remind the user to retake the course. You can choose how often it should be sent by changing the "every X days" setting. By default, a standard notification is sent (Settings > Notifications > Reminder about recertification period start). You can also choose to send a custom message.

  • Expiration Notification – notification sent if the user misses to retake the course before the compliance period ends. By default, a standard notification is sent (Settings > Notifications > Certificate expired. Recertification period ended). You can also choose to send a custom message.

Remove Learner Once Compliance Expires

By default, users that don't redo courses set for recertification will stay on users My Courses and the users will keep being enrolled in the course. By enabling the Remove Learner Once Compliance Expires setting, you can let Learnster automatically remove users that haven't re-certified after X days. When Learnster removes the user, by default the "Course participant removed after compliance period expiration" notification is sent. You can also choose to send a custom message.

Completion Criteria

  • Off - in this mode, course progress will not be tracked and the course can never be completed. This mode is useful if you would like to have a course that never can be completed.

  • Static - in Static mode, course completion is connected to course progress and scheduled events. A course is completed when the user reaches 100% progress and the date of the last completed event has passed. Once a user has reached a completed state, the course will stay completed no matter if course content is changed or added to the course. Course progress will however stay updated with content changes. Meaning that if new content is added, progress will be recalculated and will go below 100% for previously completed users. But, as stated above, this will not affect the completion status for already completed users.

    Static mode should be used for courses where content updates should not affect already completed users course status.

  • Dynamic - in Dynamic mode, using the same logic as in Static mode, course completion is connected to course progress and scheduled events. A course is completed when the user reaches 100% progress and the date of the last completed event has passed. But, in Dynamic mode, course completion is always directly connected to user progress and if a user's progress goes below 100% due to new course content being added, the course will automatically be moved from "Completed" to "In Progress". This means that adding new content to the course will change completed users course status and the course will be automatically moved from the course history to "In Progress".

    Dynamic mode should be used for courses where it's important that new course content is completed by both new and old course participants.

  • Manual approval - in Manual approval mode, course completion is manually controlled by an administrator or a Content designer. Course progress is tracked the same way as in Static and Dynamic modes but does not affect course completion in any way. Rather, an administrator or a Content designer sets the course as passed or failed for users.

ℹ️ Read more about Completion Criteria in our release notes for v12.


  • Course start > Send a reminder: Course reminders can be sent X days before and after the course start. Activate by clicking on the button to switch from red to green. Fill in the number of days before and after as you wish. Select the reminder method e-mail and/or SMS.

  • Course deadline > Send a reminder: Course reminders can be sent X days before and after the course deadline. Activate by clicking on the button to switch from red to green. Fill in the number of days before and after as you wish. Select the reminder method e-mail and/or SMS.

  • After block has been published > Send a reminder: Course reminders can be sent when a course block is published. Activate by clicking on the button to switch from red to green. Fill in the number of days before and after as you wish. Select the reminder method e-mail and/or SMS.

  • Block deadlines > Send a reminder: Course reminders can be sent X days before and after the block deadlines. Activate by clicking on the button to switch from red to green. Fill in the number of days before and after as you wish. Select the reminder method e-mail and/or SMS.

  • Turn reminders On/Off by unticking the Email/SMS boxes:


Use catalog to provide learners access to courses of your choosing. Courses in the catalog will be visible for all your learners. Learn more about the Catalog here.

  • Include in Course Catalog: Activate to provide learners access to self-registration and enrollment to courses.
    - Red: Not visible to the learners.
    - Green: Visible to the learners.

  • Participants > Minimum & maximum: Enter the minimum number of participants needed to start this course. (only shown in courses with scheduled events)

  • Enrollment deadlines > Registration deadline*: Last day for course participants to register for a course. This information will be displayed in the course catalog.
    Add the number of days before the course starts.

  • Enrollment deadlines > Cancellation deadline*: Last day to withdraw (cancel participation) from a course for course participants. This information will be displayed in the course catalog. Add the number of days before the course starts.

  • Cancellation > Cancellation policy: Free text information containing policies and rules for course cancellation. This information is displayed in the course catalog as a link. You can create multiple cancellation policies in settings/policies and assign them to different courses.

  • Enrollment notifications > Enrollment approval: Manually approve or dismiss any enrollment requests, or automatically approve all request. Select two options:

    Manual: This option will require manual course approval by the team manager, instructor or administrator. The team manager, instructor or administrator are able to approve or deny the requests. The following notifications can be activated:
    - New request: Send a notification to the learner, team manager, instructor and administrator when waiting for approval.
    - Approval: Send a notification to the learner when course enrollment has been approved.
    - Waitlist: Send a notification the learner when added to the waitlist.
    - Denied: Send a notification to the learner when enrollment has been denied.

    Auto: Automatic approval by the system. No approval is required by a manager, instructor or administrator. The following notifications can be activated:
    - Approval (Automatic): Send a notification to the learner when course enrollment has been approved.
    - Waitlist: Send a notification to the learner when added to the waitlist.

⚙️ Learn more about Enrollment Approval settings here.

*Regarding deadlines: 1 day is translated to 24 hours, 2 days to 48 hours etc.


The start of the course is set to 10:00 a.m. at the 2nd of a month and deadline is set to 1 day before - deadline becomes 10:00 a.m. at the 1st of the month.

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