About Reports
In Reports in Analytics, you have access to detailed user and course data, all gathered in one place. With data columns and filters, you can customize the reports to include only the specific data needed. The reports can be shared with team managers and others in your organization.
In this article:
Edit a report (columns and filters)
Note: Analytics is only available on specific pricing plans or as an add-on feature.
Accessing and Managing Reports
View the corresponding numbers in the images below:
Access Reports and basic navigation
To open Reports, in Studio, click the Analytics icon located in the left sidebar.
Click Reports in the menu.
Created reports are listed in this view.
Below the report title, you can see what report type it is.
Hover over the description icon to read report descriptions.
Report Groups
Use Report Groups to organize your reports.
Create new groups by hovering over Report Groups and click the + icon.
Add reports to groups in the Groups column.
Manage Reports
When hovering over a report in the list, click the more menu (the three dots), and you can download, share, duplicate, and delete reports (this can also be done in the report).
Hover over a report and tick the box to the left of a report name (or several to bulk edit), and you get the option to delete and add to groups (in the top right corner).
Create a Report
To create a report, select columns, and add filters:
Click the button New Report.
Select Report type (you can select between User Report, Participant Report and Course Report).
Select the data Columns you want to be displayed in the report (you can edit the selections in the report).
Add Filters to include only the specific data needed (you can edit the filters in the report). Select Unlocked or Locked filters.
Click Create Report and the entire report is displayed.
Add a report name and description.
You can adjust the column widths by hovering over a column and dragging the blue line.
Tip! Before creating a new report, select a group and then click the New Report button. The report will then automatically be in the selected group.
Edit a Report
You can easily make changes and continue to customize a created report.
Edit Columns in a report:
Open Columns and select/deselect columns.
You can rename column fields.
You can drag and reorder items.
π‘ All above can be performed when creating a new report or when editing a report.
Edit or add Filters in a report:
Open Filters and edit, add or delete filters.
You can group filters.
You can choose Unlocked or Locked filters.
π‘ All the above can be performed when creating a new report or editing a report. However, remember to choose between 'Unlocked' or 'Locked' before creating filters, as filters are created separately for each option.
Group filters
You can group filters to combine specific data criteria. The filter groups in the image below means only employees from Sweden and employees from Finland are displayed in the report.
Unlocked or Locked filters
The filter modal has two sections ('Unlocked' or 'Locked') that allow you to control which filters can be visible and editable in U when the report is shared. The filters are created in the same way under each tab. However, remember to choose between 'Unlocked' or 'Locked' before adding filters, as filters are created separately for each option.
Unlocked filters:
visible and editable in ULocked filters:
hidden and uneditable in U
Other edits
In the more menu (three dots in the top right corner), the report can be added to groups, duplicated, or deleted.
βDownload a Report
The Report can be downloaded in Excel format or CSV format.
Share a Report
You can share the report with specific users or share based on specific user attributes, such as office, country, etc.
View the corresponding numbers in the image below:
The Users option opens a multi-picker listing where you can select one or several users.
The Attributes option opens a multi-picker listing where you can select an attribute or combine several attributes.
With the Restricted data toggle is on (green), users can only see report data based on their individual roles and permissions (recommended setting due to privacy).
π‘Reports are automatically shared with the report creator in Learnster U.
View a shared Report in Learnster U
When a report has been shared:
The users will be able to view it under My Reports in Learnster U.
The report can be downloaded by hovering over the report and click the more menu (the three dots).
The user can choose to view the reports in grid view (as cards) or list view.
In an open report: If Locked filter has been selected when creating filters, the user cannot see the filters.
π Read more details about viewing reports in Learnster U.
π‘Reports are automatically shared with the report creator in U.
Report types
There are three types of report types to choose from when you create reports. You select Report type when you create a new report.
Read more about the different Report types below and see lists of what data columns and filters are available for each report type. This information will help you choose the appropriate report type for your specific data needs.
User Reports
Gives an overview of users and their individual information, such as title, company, and team. This report type includes one row per user in your vendor.
πClick the arrows to open lists of available data columns and filters.
Data columns available
Data columns available
User email
First name
Last name
User roles
User title
User company
User office
User country
User about
User unique ID
User tags
User teams
User direct managers
User team managers
User creation date
User last login
Filters available
Filters available
User company
User email
User office
User title
User country
User tags
User creation date
User last login
User teams
User team managers
User direct managers
Participant report
An overview of Learner's information related to specific courses. This report type includes one row per course that a Learner is enrolled on.
πClick the arrows to open lists of available data columns and filters.
Data columns available
Data columns available
User email
First name
Last name
Parent name
Course name
User title
User company
User office
User country
User about
User unique ID
User tags
User teams
User direct managers
User team managers
User creation date
User roles
User last login
Course start date
Course end date
Course length (min)
Course scheduled time (min)
Course self-study (min)
Course tags
Course categories
Scheduled event count
Course notes
Course other information
Course price
Course price currency
Catalog course
Compliance course
Content designers
Course status
Instruction mode
Course deadline
User enrollment date
Course progress
User last activity date
Course completion date
Compliance status
Compliance expiration
Anything we need to know message
Promotion code
Filters available
Filters available
User company
User office
User title
User country
User tags
User creation date
User last login
User roles
User teams
User team managers
User direct managers
Course name
Parent name
Course start date
Course length (min)
Course scheduled time (min)
Instruction mode
Course status
Course tags
Course categories
Catalog course
Compliance course
Content designers
Course price
User enrollment date
Course completion date
Course progress
Compliance status
Compliance expiration
Course report
An overview of courses and data related to each individual course. This report type includes one row per course in your vendor.
πClick the arrows to open lists of available data columns and filters.
Data columns available
Data columns available
Course name
In progress
Not started
Course status
Parent name
Course start date
Course end date
Course length (min)
Course scheduled time (min)
Course self-study (min)
Course tags
Course categories
Average progress
Attended events
Scheduled event count
Course notes
Course other information
Course price
Course price currency
Not compliant
Catalog course
Compliance course
Content designers
Instruction mode
Filters available
Filters available
Course name
Parent name
Course start date
Course end date
Course length (min)
Course scheduled time (min)
Instruction mode
Course status
Course tags
Course categories
Catalog courses
Compliance course
Content designers
Course price
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