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Use Actions to create more activity and engagement in your courses!

Michael Smietana avatar
Written by Michael Smietana
Updated over a week ago

About Actions

With Actions, you're able to customize your courses by sending personalized messages to your Learners. It's a great way to create more activity and engagement in a course! 

How to use Actions

Most courses can be seen as a chain of events. An example of a setup could be that a course starts with an email invitation, then, the Learner starts with a prework activity, which is followed by an onsite training session. Then, the Learner continues with some online activities, one more onsite activity, and finally a wrap-up online activity. This gives the following chain of events:

  1. The Learner receives a course invitation by email

  2. does the Prework activity

  3. attends the onsite session

  4. does the online course activities 

  5. attends the second onsite session 

  6. finishes up the course by performing the online wrap-up session.

But say that, in order to get the most out of the first onsite session, it's very important that your Learner does the Prework activity (step 2) and you would like to send a reminder to the Learners that haven't done the Prework activity, and reward the ones that have done it by sending them a cat video?

...with Actions you can do that!

Or perhaps you would like to send a message a couple of days after the course finishes to give your Learners a chance to refresh their knowledge or give them tips for additional material that they can dig into on their own? With Actions you can do that!

We know that we are neither smart or imaginative enough to think of all the different Actions you will want to do in your courses with your Learners. Therefore, instead of building specific reminders or other actions, we built an extremely flexible and dynamic, but at the same time easy to use, system where you can define your own conditions and what actions should happen when those conditions are met. With Actions, you have the power to customize your courses with the exact chain of events, for specific circumstances and individually, Learner per Learner.

Create a new Action

To create a new Action, go to the course outline and choose New Action.

Start by naming your Action. Create the condition for your Action using the + Add Condition Dialog and finally choose the Action that should be performed using the + Add Action dialog.

You can choose the following Condition options:

When Previous Page ➡️ Is Finished/Is not Finished
Previous page is finished means that the page just above the Action is finished.
Previous page is not finished means the page just above the Action is not yet finished.

When All Pages Above ➡️ Are Finished/Are not Finished
All pages above are finished means that all pages above the Action are finished.
All pages above are not finished means that none of the pages above the Action is finished.

When Any Page ➡️ Is Finished/Is not Finished
Any page above is finished means that at least one of the pages above the Action is finished.
Any page above is not finished means that at least one of the pages above the Action is not yet finished.

...and the following Actions:

  • Then Send Predefined Message to the Learner/the Learner's Manager(s)/Admin(s)/the Course Instructor(s)

  • Then Send Custom Message to the Learner/the Learner's Manager(s)/Admin(s)/the Course Instructor(s) 

Support for carbon copy (cc) in Action messages

When creating actions with messages, it is possible to carbon copy (cc) that message to administrators, team managers, or course instructors. This could be useful if you, for instance, would like to let administrators, team managers, or instructors know what action messages are sent to users.

Predefined Custom Messages

You can create Predefined Custom Messages that you can use with Learnster Actions and Automation Rules. You create Custom Messages in Studio > Library > Custom Messages.

Test custom messages

You can easily test how your messages looks for the receiver. When clicking the Test message button, the message will be sent to the administrator that clicks the button.

ℹ️ Please note: At this point, it's only possible to test custom messages and not system messages (Settings/Notifications). Similar support for testing system messages will be added in future releases.

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