About Assignment Question
An assignment question allow Learners to add a text reply or upload a file as answer to a question. A learner can submit an answer consisting of free text or upload a document, pdf, video, etc. All file formats are supported up to a size of 50MB.
Assignment Question can be used in two different scenarios:
as part of a Quiz or Survey
or as a single activity in a Blank page.
Assignment Question in a Quiz or Survey
Adding an assignment question works the same for both a quiz and survey. Create a Quiz or Survey and follow the steps below to add and edit an Assignment Question:
Drag and drop an assignment question type into the builder area.
Click on the question in the builder area to start editing the question and answers on the left side of the page.
Type to add or edit the question.
Type to add a description (optional).
Choose one or both learner submission methods (checkbox).
There is one big difference between using an assignment question in a quiz or survey. In a survey there's no correct answer for the question, but in a quiz the learner needs to provide a correct answer to pass. Therefore, in a quiz the answers needs to be marked correct/incorrect by an instructor.
Go to the Analytics tab for your quiz/survey to view the answers or to mark them correct/incorrect for your quiz.
Assignment Question in a Blank page
An assignment question can also be added as a single activity to a blank page together with other activities. For example, adding a video to a page and follow it up with an assignment question to ask the learner what their takeaways was from the video.
To add an assignment question to a blank page you simply drag and drop the activity from the activity menu in the bottom of the screen to your blank page.
For an assignment question in a blank page you can choose wether you want there to be a correct answer or not to the question. This feature is called Quiz mode. If Quiz mode is active the answers needs to be manually marked as correct/incorrect by an instructor. You can view and correct the answers in the Progress tab for the course.
Learner view (Learnster U)
If you are using an assignment question in a Quiz or have Quiz mode activated in a Blank page then they will be informed that there's a pending response from their instructor. The image below shows what the learner sees after submitting a text reply or uploading a file.
A learner can also be notified about the response from the instructor if you have activated the notifications "Assignment marked as correct by Instructor" and "Assignment marked as incorrect by Instructor". Read more about how to activate and edit notifications here.
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