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Learnster U

Learnster U version 1.9 release notes.

Michael Smietana avatar
Written by Michael Smietana
Updated over a week ago

The 1.9 release brings even more good looks and function to the My Courses page, the course outline and to Catalog course enrollment.

🚧 Overhaul of the My Courses page

We have done a number of changes to improve the user experience and to give learners a better overview on the My Courses page.

Among the most noticeable changes, if all courses in a section cannot fit on a single row, we now group them. The whole section can be accessed in a carousel fashion or by clicking the Show all button...

...we have also added a new Waitlist / Waiting for approval section where users can see courses they have enrolled for but for which they are still on the waitlist or which has not yet been approved...

...if the My Courses page is empty πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€, we now display a much nicer message plus a small nudge to go visit the Course Catalog. If the Course Catalog not yet is in use, just a short nice message will be shown.

Catalog course enrollment improvements

To improve the course enrollment experience we have removed the "Anything we need to know?" question for online courses.

Course Outline updates

We have improved the outline to make it more clear which pages belong to which blocks, when each block is completed, how to find your way to onsite training sessions and for deadlines.

Course progress is now more clear by showing a check mark and a completion timestamp for finished blocks...

...on page level, we now show a progress bar so it's easier to see how much that is left to complete and what is up next...

...if a block has a deadline, the deadline date is shown inside the block...

...and is emphasized when the deadline is getting closer...

...for onsite training blocks we now show a map of the location.

Learner feedback

We have added the possibility for learners to give feedback on pages in a fun and interactive way.

We hope you will enjoy this releaseπŸ’œ

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