About single choice question
Single choice questions in Learnster let your learners select one correct answer only.
This question type is available in both Quiz and Survey.
When you create a single choice question, you can choose between these types of answers:
Only text answers
Text answers with an image
Only image answers
Add or edit a single choice question (with or without an image)
Drag and drop the single question icon to the question building area. You can add an image as in the example in the video below. Skip uploading an image if you want to create text answers only.
Add or edit a single choice question (with image answers)
To create a question with image answers, you need to activate this option in settings. Click on the settings symbol, either on the question in the list or on the top right.
⚠️ To make sure that your questions are saved (they will autosave), you need to mark one answer as correct.
Learner view (preview)
You can preview the questions to see what it looks like for your learner. To preview, click on the eye icon in the upper right corner of the quiz page.
Question specific settings
Besides global settings for a quiz or a survey, you can always control local settings for each question. Click on the settings icon of the question to access the setting controls.
Settings description
The following settings are available for Single Choice questions:
Question settings
Reveal the result after the question: Activate if you wish to show if the learner's response was correct or incorrect.
Show correct answer to an incorrect response: When activated, the wrong response is marked with red, and the correct response is marked with green.
Shuffle answer choices: When activated, the answer options randomly change position when the learner retakes the quiz.
Question options
Image mode: Activate if you want to use image answers.
Add custom feedback to this question: Activate if you wish to add custom feedback to the question.
⚠️ Please ignore "Question Difficulty" field in the feedback section. This field will be activated in a later release.
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