Learners tab:
'Compliance' has NA when the learner has no compliance courses at all
'Compliance' has green sigh with no number when learner has some compliance courses and all of them are valid yet
'Compliance' has red sigh with the number of not compliance courses when the learner has some compliance courses and some of them are not valid any more. Compliance courses that are not certified yet are also considered as 'not valid' and marked with red sign.
Learner details modal:
For courses that are not compliance courses:
'Compliant for' has N/A
For compliance courses with recertification period:
Course is completed and recertification not started yet: green shield, 'Active' label and amount of days/hours left to compliance expiration
Course is completed and recertification is started: yellow shield, 'Active' label and amount of days/hours left to compliance expiration
Course is completed, but recertification period is expired: red shield and 'Expired' label.
For compliance courses with no recertification period:
Course is not completed: empty shield, 'Not compliant' label
Course is completed: green shield, 'Compliant' label.
Courses tab:
'NA' for not compliance courses
Green sign with no number for compliance courses when the course is valid for all assigned learners
Red sign with the number for compliance courses when some of assigned learners has their certification expired. Compliance courses that are not certified yet are also considered as 'not valid' and marked with red sign.
Courses details modal:
For courses that are not compliance courses:
'Compliant for' column is not presented at all.
For compliance courses with recertification period:
Course is completed and recertification not started yet: green shield, 'Active' label and amount of days/hours left to compliance expiration
Course is completed and recertification is started: yellow shield, 'Active' label and amount of days/hours left to compliance expiration
Course is completed, but recertification period is expired: red shield and 'Expired' label.
For compliance courses with no recertification period:
Course is not completed: empty shield, 'Not compliant' label
Course is completed: green shield, 'Compliant' label.