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Learnster Studio v11

Learnster Studio version 11 release notes.

Michael Smietana avatar
Written by Michael Smietana
Updated over a week ago

The v11 release brings loads of administrative goodies 🎁. The biggest single addition in this version is the ability to set and control permissions for team managers, instructors, and Content designers. There are also new tag rule conditions and actions, adjustments to Excel/CSV report data, the ability to export quiz and survey data and much more.

Role permissions

It is now possible to tailor what team managers, instructors, and Content designers can do and which functions/parts of Learnster they have access to. The new role settings are located under Settings/Role Permissions.

Team Managers

Here are the settings and permissions you can control for team managers.

  • Add new users – by enabling this permission, team managers will be able to invite and add new users to your Learnster instance (please note that these team managers will be able to create new user accounts in your Learnster instance and not only add existing users to their team). New users created by a team manager will be automatically added to their team.

  • Delete users – allow team managers to delete users from your Learnster instance (please note that this means deleting user accounts from your Learnster instance and not only removing users from their team).

  • Edit Team information – allow team managers to edit team information under team settings.

  • Add Team Managers to team – team managers will be able to add existing users as Team Manager to their team.

  • Remove Team Managers from team – team managers will be able to remove other team managers from their team (but not delete them).

  • Add users to team – allow team managers to add existing users as Team Members to their team.

  • Remove users from team – team managers will be able to remove team members from their team (but not delete them).

  • Edit team users – enable team managers to edit users that are team members of their team. This includes permissions to change everything on a user's user card including their name, email address, the ability to assign and remove courses, add items to the course history, delete users, and more.


  • View course content – the view-only mode gives instructors access to view, but not edit, course content from the course outline tab.

  • Manage Learners – permissions for instructors to view or edit learners. In view-only mode, permissions are restricted to view only. Enable edit mode to allow instructors to add or remove learners and to manage course progress or set learners as passed or failed.

  • Manage course settings – access to view or manage course settings. In view- only mode, instructors will be able to see, but not manage course settings. In edit mode, instructors will have full access to all course settings.

Content Designers

  • Manage course content – permissions for Content designers to view or manage course content. In view-only mode, Content designers will be able to view, but not manage, course content from the course outline tab. In edit mode, Content designers will have full permissions to create, edit and manage course content from under the course outline tab.

  • Manage Learners – access for Content designers to view or edit learners. In view-only mode, permissions are restricted to view only. Enable edit mode to allow Content designers to add or remove learners, and to manage course progress or set learners as passed or failed.

  • Manage course settings – permissions to view or manage course settings. In view-only mode, Content designers will be able to see, but not manage course settings. In edit mode, Content designers will have full access to all course settings.

  • Access library content – permissions to access and manage library content. In view-only mode, Content designers will be able to access and use existing library content. View-only mode does however not give access to create new or edit existing library content. Edit mode gives full access to library content including the ability to edit or delete all items in the library.

ℹ️ Please note! It's not recommended to enable library edit mode for Content designers. This would allow them to change or delete library content that was created by other Content designers or administrators, and which might be used in courses not controlled by the Content designer.

New Tag Rule conditions

We have added the following new tag rule conditions in v11.

  • New user – this condition triggers once, and only once, when a new user is added to Learnster (a new user account is created). The condition triggers directly when the account is created and not when the user logins for the first time. A typical use case for this condition is to create an onboarding flow for new employees.

  • User is member of the team – triggers when users are added to a new team.

  • User's course progress is more or equal to X percent – triggers when the course progress for a user changes and the progress is more or equal to set percent.

  • User's course progress is less or equal to X percent – triggers when the course progress for a user changes and the progress is less or equal to set percent.

New Tag Rule actions

We have added the following new Tag rule actions in v11.

  • Set course progress to 0% – use this action to reset the course progress for a user to 0%.

  • Set user as Content Designer on Course – use this action to add a user as a Content designer for a chosen course.

Adjustments to Excel/CSV report data

We have adjusted what data we export in Excel/CSV throughout Learnster Studio, adding more data to reports. Below is a list of each report that has been adjusted and the full data of each report (all columns).

Users > All Users report

User Email
User First Name
User Last Name
User Title
User Company
User Office
User Country
User About
User Unique ID
User Latest Login
User Creation Date
User is Active
User Assigned Roles
User Assigned Tags
User Assigned Courses
User Assigned Teams

Courses > Learners > Progress report and Courses > Progress reports

User Email
User First Name
User Last Name
User Title
User Company
User Office
User Country
User About
User Unique ID
Course Parent Name
Course Child Name
Course Start Date
Course End Date
Course Deadline Date
Course Length
Course Scheduled Time
Course Self Study Time
Course Tags
Course Categories
Pages Estimated Total Length
Course Attendance
Number of Scheduled Events to attend
User Enrolled Date
Course Progress
Course Passed
Last Activity Date/Course Finished Date
User Assigned Tags
User Assigned Teams
Info from the user (allergies, special requests, etc.)
Course Notes
Course Other Information

Teams report

Team Name
Team Description
Team Created Date
Number of Team Members
Team Course Progress
Team Tags

Teams > Learners report

User Email
User First Name
User Last Name
User Title
User Company
User Office
User Country
User About
User Unique ID
Course Parent Name
Course Child Name
Course Start Date
Course End Date
Course Deadline Date
Course Length
Course Scheduled Time
Course Self Study Time
Course Tags
Course Categories
Course Attendance
Number of Scheduled Events to attend
User Enrolled Date
Course Progress
Course Passed
Last Activity Date/Course Finished Date
User Assigned Tags
User Assigned Teams
Info from the user (allergies, special requests, etc.)
Course Notes
Course Other Information

Teams > Courses report

Course Parent Name
Course Child Name
Course Start Date
Course End Date
Course Deadline Date
Course Length
Course Scheduled Time
Course Self Study Time
Pages Estimated Total Length
Course Tags
Course Categories
Team Members Assigned
Team Members In Progress
Team Members Not Started
Team Members Completed
Course Average Progress
Number of Attended Events
Number of Scheduled Events to Attend
Team Members Passed
Team Members Failed

Export Quiz & Survey data to Excel/CSV reports

It is now possible to export quiz and survey data/answers to Excel or CSV format. To export data for a quiz or survey, go to the Quiz or Survey > Analytics > More menu.

Marked as passed label for manual approval

When administrators choose to manually mark pages as done, we now show that this page was marked as passed by an administrator.

Support for carbon copy (cc) in Action messages

When creating actions with messages, it is now possible to carbon copy (cc) that message to administrators, team managers, or course instructors. This could be useful if you, for instance, would like to let administrators, team managers, or instructors know what action messages are sent to users.

Test custom messages

It is now possible to easily test custom messages.

When clicking the Test message button, the message will be sent to the administrator that clicks the button.

ℹ️ Please note! At this point, it's only possible to test custom messages and not system messages (Settings/Notifications). We will add similar support for testing system messages in future releases.

New languages

We have added support for Norwegian, Danish and Polish to our list of supported languages in Learnster U.

...making the full list English, Swedish, Dutch, Simplified Chinese, German, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian and Polish.

Other changes

  • Updated save patterns – we have updated when and how we show the save button in the settings section of Studio, which will hopefully make it easier to administer settings.

  • Time zone for scheduled actions – it's now possible to set the time zone when scheduling tag actions.

  • Triggered by user shortcode – we have added a [triggered_by_user] shortcode to custom messages. The shortcode is swapped for the name of the learner that triggers the action.

  • Automagic ✨ image optimization – with the help of machine learning AI, we are now automatically optimizing all images that are uploaded to and used in Learnster for the best possible web experience. Our robots πŸ€– are tuned to keep the visual experience of images intact while reducing the image size for faster load times.

That's all for this time. We hope you will enjoy this release! πŸ’œ

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