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Learn more about the Hotspot activity

Aaron Castaneda avatar
Written by Aaron Castaneda
Updated over a week ago

About Hotspots

A hotspot is an interactive image on which you can place small buttons. When a Learner clicks on a button, a small popup is displayed containing an image and text.Β 

Adding a hotspot

To create a hotspot:

  1. Drag and drop the hotspot icon to the page.Β 

  2. Upload an image and click on the image to create buttons.Β 

  3. You can move the buttons around and place them anywhere on the image.

  4. To add and edit hotspot content, hover over the image and click on Edit content. A side panel will appear.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Don't use a cluttered mage since it may be hard for the Learners to see the buttons on the image.

Edit a hotspot

To add and edit hotspot content, hover over the image and click on Edit content button. A side panel will appear.

In the side panel you can:
– Add or replace the hotspot image.
– Delete text boxes.
– Add titles to the text boxes.
– Change the order of the text boxes.

Click on the tabs to:
– Add text.
– Add an image for each
– Change marker style.
– Delete a text box.


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